
The digestive system preserves the body balance and health. Therefore, if any part of the system suffers a functional deficiency, the other parts will be influenced. The Gastrology Clinic provides the following services:


  • Treatment of various digestive system diseases
  • State-of-the-art ultrasound scans of the abdomen and the pelvis
  • Injection treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding, and installing clips
  • Endoscopy removal of colon polyps

Gastrology Doctors

Dr. Marwa Al-Khalil


Dr. Muhammad ALashkar

Gastroenterological diseases

Sun: 3 pm to 5 pm
Mon : 7 pm to 9 pm
Wed: 7 pm to 9 pm

Dr. Numan Zaidan

Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology

Sat: 10 am to 12 pm

Dr. Somar Jdaid


Thurs: 10 am to 1 pm

A service for health and wellbeing, not just for treating illness

At DMC, we believe that the three essential drivers of "quality" are safety, effectiveness and positive patient experiences.